Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where's me boys at, innit?

Berkelio, Rudgio, Wherefore art thou? Hope this is not turning into a one-legged tripod, as those things are none too stable (insert own humorous comparison here...). Here's a few shots I've taken over here in Thailand; I like that they have a different feel to what you might expect from shots of Thailand. Got inspired by your 'blue light' images on your blog, Ian, so I got up early one morning at the beach; sadly I'd already missed first light, but the light was still low enough that I could take a slow-ish exposure for the first shot and nice light for the second. Got some others, a bit 'blue-er' that I've not worked on yet. Must not put the alarm on snooze so often next time! The last couple were shot on a broken down old railway bridge in Bangkok at sunset; got loads of great stuff there, but these are the first couple I've worked on. Nothing fancy; bit of mid-tone contrast, levels, that's about the size of it. Hope you like...

And by the way, I think we should get another challenge going, post-haste. Why don' one of you guys come up with something, anything you fancy, be creative, and post it up sharpish... I'm getting hungry for some exchange...


  1. Mitch,
    Really like the two deck chairs facing out to sea, just imagine having my lunch there looking out.
    Re: Next project.
    I feel in the mood to shoot some models, (I got a funny look at my target shooting club in Maidenhead the other day when I said that!)

    So I joined Model, lots of models wanting to add to their portfolios who will work for free in exchange for good images. So how about pushing all of us to do a model shoot on location?
    You are not to use friends or family, but someone you have never met before. Guess we better give it at least a month for this one as it may take some planing etc.
    Let me know what you think guys?

  2. i love that first imagw with the broken deck chair being threatened by the surf. Lovely blue light and foreground detail. Also like the double decks facing out. Poetic stuff.

    I'm up for the model challenge. Nedd to check out the website. Sounds like a very useful resource. Cheers Ian.
