Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm always a last minute Larry when it comes to things like this. So, I may have posted the blog after the deadline, but I took the pics before it. Mitch is my witness (sort of).
On the day of the deadline while Mitch was nursing a Herculean hangover at my house, I went in search of a portrait subject on the streets of Walthamstow.
I decided to hijack a previous idea and dive into the Pie n Mash shop half way up Walthamstow market and ask whoever was working there for a portrait. The woman behind the counter was called Lisa, a proper East Londoner and sweet as you like. A little bit of charm and persuasion and she agreed to pose for me while the shop wasn't busy.
While I was setting up an old boy strolled in and joked that I might take a photo of him. I said I'd hold him to it, and I did. I hope he doesn't mind that I've called him PieMashMan. I forgot to write his name down.

Set up was simple. Canon 5D on ISO 400, f/3.5 at 1/50th for the ambient light. And a strobe and small brolly to the right, balanced to fill in. That's it.
I like desaturating my portraits with high-ish contrast, and I'm into the square thing at the mo.


  1. Well done Steve, I like these alot!
    Top marks for just turning up and shooting, good attitude.


  2. Top work, fella. has a kind of americana feeling, like a diner out in the mid-west. lovely stuff, well done mate.
