Friday, January 15, 2010

the three legged tripod challenge

Mr. Berekeley-White, Mr. Rudgewick-Brown; gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

This is the first installment of the three legged tripod creative challenge - what the #@?!! is that, I hear you cry...
allow me to explain.

Let's get those creative juices flowing and harness the power of this interweb thingamyjig. We take it in turns to set each other specific challenges, with a deadline, by which deadline the final image must be posted on the blog. It's my idea, so I'm getting first pick. Here's the challenge:

A portrait, which must include some background context (location/scenery etc - so not a headshot) of an individual who is not a member of your family. And no archive shots, it's got to be a new one shot specially for this challenge. I reckon a week is plenty of time for this (a nice easy one to begin with) so entries must be on the blog by midnight friday 22nd january. C'mon lads, let's be 'aving yer. Bring on your best shot.

Dare you accept the three legged tripod creative challenge?

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