Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who's this guy?

Bumped into these shots the other day, anyone you know? The twin towers were up! makes you think.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Steve your up...?

While we are waiting for Barker Boy check this little lady out! Only 23 self taught, what talent!
Miss Aniela
She has quite a following on Fickr

Lifestyle Photographic

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mitch is in;

Okay boys, here's my entry. Shot them under an old archway by the side of Dublin Castle; Geoff is putting together a new website and needed some portrait shots. We had to work quickly, as the staircase belongs to Dublin Castle, and therefore you are supposed to have a permit to shoot
there. I've had to get one of those permits on occasion, and believe me, it's a Kafka-esque labyrinth you have to negotiate; suffice to say, I didn't have a permit for this little job.
Pretty dark under there, which I liked for the stairs and the brickwork but not so much for Geoffs' delicate features, so I bunged an SB800 flash on a stand, with a shoot through brolly, and triggered it wireless from another Sb800 on the camera. Slid that stand in as close to Geoff as I could get while still keeping it out of frame and fired away on manual. Quick in, quick out. Just as we were packing up, plod stuck his head round the corner and did his jobsworth bit - "can't shoot here, this is state property" - I always want to come over all revolutionary in these situations ("the state is a construction of it's citizens" etc etc), but I've always found that the best response is to plead ignorance, say sorry, mate, but we're done now anyway and leave smiling.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Very Interesting....

Something about this guys work I really like, he sometimes works as a trash man in Antarctica!
Really fresh work: Lightmonkeys
Have a look?


Latest Session Video

This is my lastest viewing video I present to my customers, a bit nicer than Venture me thinks!

Rudge up!

Hi Guys,
You said Mitch we have to shoot this baby by the end of the month, so here it is; a baby portrait shoot I did two days ago of a little boy called James, I hope you like it? By the way I'm not that busy! now excepting bookings for Weddings, Christenings, Barmitsfers... Singing..Dancing........anything....etc. etc.....



Monday, January 18, 2010

deadline change...

gentlemen, keep your engines running, but you can shift into neutral for a while if you'd like... due to the enviable condition of having too much work on his hands, mr. rudgewick-brown has requested a deadline extension for the delivery of the first three legged tripod creative challenge (way to set a precedent, Rudge). heretofore let it be known that the deadline shall now be midnight on friday 28th january. and if that ain't enough time to shoot this baby, well then we've got no right calling ourselves snappers, now have we, boys?

here endeth the lesson. amen.

Friday, January 15, 2010

the three legged tripod challenge

Mr. Berekeley-White, Mr. Rudgewick-Brown; gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

This is the first installment of the three legged tripod creative challenge - what the #@?!! is that, I hear you cry...
allow me to explain.

Let's get those creative juices flowing and harness the power of this interweb thingamyjig. We take it in turns to set each other specific challenges, with a deadline, by which deadline the final image must be posted on the blog. It's my idea, so I'm getting first pick. Here's the challenge:

A portrait, which must include some background context (location/scenery etc - so not a headshot) of an individual who is not a member of your family. And no archive shots, it's got to be a new one shot specially for this challenge. I reckon a week is plenty of time for this (a nice easy one to begin with) so entries must be on the blog by midnight friday 22nd january. C'mon lads, let's be 'aving yer. Bring on your best shot.

Dare you accept the three legged tripod creative challenge?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wild day, wild light.

I managed to sneak off from the house, camera in hand, for an afternoon just before Christmas, so I jumped on the Dart train south along the coast with the idea of taking a few shots in an out-of-season-by-the-sea kind of style. It was a day or two before the snow came and I could feel the change in the weather; an arctic wind biting into me from the east, though the sun burned low in the sky. Once I was on the train, heavy cloud began to pile up and hung just above the horizon. My plan was to head out to Bray in the hope that I'd find some leftover detritus from the summer season. An old fairground ride, rusting gently on the seafront, some deckchairs piled wearily on the promenade sagging slowly until the summer came to rescue them, that kind of thing. Me old mucker Ian had done something similar at Bournemouth pier and posted it on his blog ( recently and I wanted to find my own slant (steal his idea) on the theme.

Halfway down the line, the train stopped at Blackrock station and I saw, lowering over the wall which divides the tracks from the seashore, a hulking, rusting edifice. Paint cracked and peeling, fatigued metal rotting, grafitti emblazoned -
well, it'd be rude not to, wouldn't it? So I leapt from the train with the skill and agility of a forty-year old man on a cold day, and tried to get a better view. It was clear that the tower was an old diving platform that belonged to a crumbling, disused open air swimming pool, serviced with water from the sea. Unfortunately it was also clear that I would not be able to get close to it: the pool was surrounded by 20 foot walls, and my telescopic, back-pocket bat-ladder was at the dry cleaners, so I had to content myself with getting a shot from the footbridge that
spanned the tracks.

Mark my words, though: I will be back...

The rusting diving tower at Blackrock

Back on the train, the clouds were getting heavier, but with the sunlight still strong and low behind me, there was a fabulous dramatic feel that I wanted to try and capture, so I forgot about the seaside resort idea, disembarked at Dalkey, and just let the play of light and cloud determine what shots I took. Here's a few of the results...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Into the Big World...

Hello...hello? Is this thing on...?

Welcome to three legged tripod, where three photographers offer up their work, techniques, ideas and musings for rapturous adulation/savage ridicule/complete indifference (delete as appropriate). I've just plugged this thing in and switched it on, and hey presto! it seems to work straight out of the box, so in the near future we'll be adding images, anecdotes, technical discussions and whatever else takes our fancy and hopefully it will grow into a little forum for anyone interested in photography to gain or give inspiration and encouragement.

In the immortal words of television:

Stay tuned...