Thursday, June 23, 2011

Support Forum

Hey there chaps. I thought it'd be a good idea to restart the blog, but make use of it as a support forum for the 3 of us. Or anyone else who wants to sign up.
I think we can all agree that we don't need to set each-other tasks. We all know how to take pictures.
But I always have questions about the professional practice, and there's no shortage of discussion groups online. I'm signed on to one on LinkedIn that I contribute to and check up on now and then.
But I'd like to keep one going that's a little closer to home. That's you guys by the way. Something we can use to throw light on problems or get opinions and advice going between us. here's topic number one for discussion.

What do you think about cold calling?

I don't necessarily have a problem with cold calling people and organisations I've researched to get a contact; but I find it tricky knowing when or if to follow up after sending my details. Especially if they sounded interested.
Also, what about clients you already worked for (assuming they're happy with you).
I'll keep in touch with bi-monthly mail-outs linking to my photoblog..
..and try to make myself look as busy as possible. But is it ok to call up previous clients to see if there's anything coming up? Maybe it's obvious to some but I'd like to know what you think.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Client's Choice versus My Choice

Hey chaps. I know it's been a while and this is only my second post. Or third, not sure.
So, I got a good call last week from DV8 Physical Theatre (we all know them) to shoot some pre-press photos for their new show. Basically they haven't made it yet but they're being hassled for press images now.
Naturally this is great news for me. Not just the job, but the prestige of the company and what it could lead to if I play it right.
The session went well enough. It was just meant to be basic rehearsal type stuff, which I was to shoot in a wood paneled (thought that had two "L's") room. I knew it would be dark so I took my Elinchrom and two strobes and hope for the best. Just as well, as Lloyd Newson wanted me to shoot repeatedly as the dancers worked through material. I've learned over time that I don't like working this way (and neither does Lloyd usually), but I rigged up and got on with it. To be fair, I did have the control to stop them and set up shots; but as time shortened and Lloyd changed his mind this became a looser affair and a bit of a numbers game. You know, shoot loads of shit and see what sticks.
All together it was actually ok and not as stressed as it sounds, and I wasn't going to bust my arse for the perfect poster shot, cos that wasn't the job.
Now....while shooting, Lloyd was using the limited light from my modeling lamp to take pics on his iphone, and I joked that we'd probably end up using his pics in the end.
Well not quite but as damned near as you'd guess. I replicated the shots he was doing, but with hard portrait light.
The end result has been that he's asked for one of those shots (fine by me) and asked me to make it look like the crappy phone shot (not so good).
So, here for you opinion is one of my choices against his. I'd like to ask them not to credit me, but that would seem rude and probably not help me capitalise on their name.
End of rant. Not asking for comments on the photos, just wanted to share with the group man!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Style 2010

Yesterday I was asked to do the photography for Spring Style a fashion show held in Reading, this year with GMTV style guru Mark Heyes.Had great fun photographing all the great looking models, this is a quick video of some of my images.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Great new ad for the boy in me, shot on a Canon 5D Mk11

Ian Rudgewick-Brown